#StopKillingOurKids: A Mother’s Response to the Tamir Rice Decision

Published for Atlanta Blackstar, January 5, 2016:

The mothers of Black boys have always had the most difficult of parenting jobs in that there always exists an inherent fear that someone will view their child as less than human and less deserving of the ability to not only grow up, but to grow into adulthood. From Emmett Till to Tamir Rice, Black mothers have been shouldering this fear for too long. I began to feel this same fear last summer, then again in the fall when I saw on the news black girls being manhandled by police officers.  It then it became all too clear—no Black child is safe from harm in a nation where they are targeted by racism.

Read the article in full: http://atlantablackstar.com/2016/01/05/stopkillingourkids-mothers-response-tamir-rice-decision/.